PS1: I've officially been here over 7 months now, it is just so crazy that I can't believe it! We're done with the ''cold'' weather and back to 70s(Like 20 in Celsius) every day and Spring feels more like mid-summer! ^^
I can honestly say, I feel a little bit guilty that I haven't had anything SUPERinteresting to write lately, and this one is gonna be another basically about everyday life.
The thing is, I am busy enough with school n' Track Meets that I don't even have time to do anything else. Usually during weekends I am either too tired to do anything or everybody is busy. Although I don't post so often anymore and about some extraordinary things, I still have an amazing life here. I guess it's just kind a usual now. We still do everything every weekend either with my family or friends(at least planning to lol), but these are all the things you guys have already read about so nothing new. Last weekend was pretty fun tho..
We had one day,
Saturday if I'm not wrong, just running around and trying to get a lot done. We did get all of our things done, but apparently somebody was clearly against us that day so it turned out to be the biggest 'just no' day haha(Still cool and fun). First we were supposed to go to a piercing place in Southlake, but came out that this business had closed so we went to chiropractor instead n' had a nice lunch in Mod Market. I love this place, perfect for a simple lunch, 'cause everything there is always so fresh and healthy(weird, right?). With the same goal - to get piercings - we went to that one tattoo place in Keller. Everybody there turned us completely came out all under age people need birth certificate(which I obviously don't have here) and when we thought that at least granny could get her new piercings it came out she didn't have the right id for that either. Awesome. Next stop was supposed to be a cupcake shop - it was closed lmao...Luckily we found another one, bought a dozen cupcakes, and drove home. Chilled there a little bit until we found a new piercing place. So at the end of the day we all got our new piercings, a dozen donuts and had a dinner at Joe's Pasta&Pizza. It really was fun, we got everything done what we wanted, but that day was complicated as hell.
Sunday we went to one of my favorite restaurants here, called Golden Thai Cuisine. I think we went to the same place in Autumn, when my hostdad first came home.
this week I spend catching up with school(Since I missed a lot the week after Mardi Gras), working out and on
Thursday it was finally our Keller meet. It was mainly sunbathing tho since there weren't even a single cloud in the sky and sun was shining so bright. I got a new PR in discus, which got me on 6th place. Didn't do so good in shot put..But after all Keller won the meet and as far as I know, we are doing awesome this season.
Oh, And I almost forgot,
today was
THE LAST PEP RALLY! :( :( This pep rally was for Varsity Baseball, Varsity Softball, Varsity Soccer, Powerlifting and Varsity Track, which means that I got to sit in the front there, where 5 months ago sat all the football players..Not anything superspecial, but was really cool! :)
PS2: I absolutely love all my theatre people! They are so fun, amazing and cool. That class makes every B Day just so good!
PS3: One Sophmore, Ren, from out school literally got famous over night. So it was her Sweet 16 on Wednesday, and in the evening she tweeded what her grandpa gave her, next morning this post had 35k likes. And only a hour later it had 120k likes, this number kept going bigger with every 2 minutes. Currently she has like 588k likes. Her mom is our Social Media teacher(she was freaking out and was so exicted) and I met Ren whenever I was changing my schedule last semester, so we changed snapchats and stuff.
HERE are the news about that, go check it out!
Last weekend I also took a nice 40 minute walk, thought I'd take some pictures of neighborhoods, main streets and houses and stuff. Just to give you an idea what's it like here! :) (Probably y'all pretty much know it already but hey, never too many pictures, right?)
< Life is good! >
Let the tour begin..
Keller Elementary School
Spanish School House, this is sooo pretty house n' it has a really cute playground on the other side ^^
Home <3
12 donuts obviously make a girl happy
Snikers, Lemon&Cream cheese, Lime, Salted Caramel, Straberry
I have never been a fan of Asian restaurants's dessers, but that was delicious! - Fried Ice Cream
This is exactly how confused we are most of the time lol!!
Morning walks to school. Pretttty!
7.45 am
Keller ISD Stadium - Keller Meet
Ryanneeee, she gorgeous
Ryanne, Liz, Me - #Throwerpower <3
What else do you do at midnight?
A really big part of the 'Happy life' packet
Our time to sit in the front :)
Hey Friendies
DC is a star!
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