Monday, March 27, 2017

Just Sunday

Almost every Sunday morning starts off the same way. Me and Adriana usually wake up around 9:30am, lay on our beds either on our phones or macbooks. Usually one of us comes up with an idea that we should go get donuts. Then we both look the time and it's like 9.45am(Donut place closes at 10am). Next step is that we both run to convince Dardan that it is a great idea and he should drive us. Every time he says no for first 5 minutes and after that are we all in the car and on our way to get donuts haha. I love these Sundays which start off with 12 donuts!!! ^^ Today I also skyped with my mom&dad and right after that we went to Southlake. First stop was KOHL's(A big clothing store). After shopping we went to have a lunch at Mod Market(again lol). Their blueberry pesto sandwich is just SO good. I forgot to take a picture of it, but it looks very pretty. When we were done with lunch we went to get our nails done. Funny thing is that every time we are there I always think how weird Mandarin language(Or some kind of asian language?!) is..(in a good way tho). Because all the workers there are asians, so they talk to each other in their own language. Before going home Granny and mom went to Central Market while me and Adriana were in DSW(A shoe store). A day full of shopping, yet I bought nothing haha. After getting the groceries home we went to have a dinner at Baja Grill, which is a Mexican restaurant. This Sunday was so busy, since we left like 11:30am and got back home like 8pm. Was grat! :) 

PS: On Saturday Papa(Mom's dad) came here, so until Adriana and mom came home we talked for like 2 hours. He is amazing and it was good to see him and his dog!! :) :) 


Saturday Dinner - Pizza too big to be true 

Top 1 Picture of my Exchange year! This is pure gold lmao, look Dardan back there haha


Don't question them

"I ve heard about bromance, but what the heck is that?"


Saturday, March 25, 2017

A little bit of something about my everyday life

PS1: I've officially been here over 7 months now, it is just so crazy that I can't believe it! We're done with the ''cold'' weather and back to 70s(Like 20 in Celsius) every day and Spring feels more like mid-summer! ^^

I can honestly say, I feel a little bit guilty that I haven't had anything SUPERinteresting to write lately, and this one is gonna be another basically about everyday life.
The thing is, I am busy enough with school n' Track Meets that I don't even have time to do anything else. Usually during weekends I am either too tired to do anything or everybody is busy. Although I don't post so often anymore and about some extraordinary things, I still have an amazing life here. I guess it's just kind a usual now. We still do everything every weekend either with my family or friends(at least planning to lol), but these are all the things you guys have already read about so nothing new. Last weekend was pretty fun tho..

We had one day, Saturday if I'm not wrong, just running around and trying to get a lot done. We did get all of our things done, but apparently somebody was clearly against us that day so it turned out to be the biggest 'just no' day haha(Still cool and fun). First we were supposed to go to a piercing place in Southlake, but came out that this business had closed so we went to chiropractor instead n' had a nice lunch in Mod Market. I love this place, perfect for a simple lunch, 'cause everything there is always so fresh and healthy(weird, right?). With the same goal - to get piercings - we went to that one tattoo place in Keller. Everybody there turned us completely came out all under age people need birth certificate(which I obviously don't have here) and when we thought that at least granny could get her new piercings it came out she didn't have the right id for that either. Awesome. Next stop was supposed to be a cupcake shop - it was closed lmao...Luckily we found another one, bought a dozen cupcakes, and drove home. Chilled there a little bit until we found a new piercing place. So at the end of the day we all got our new piercings, a dozen donuts and had a dinner at Joe's Pasta&Pizza. It really was fun, we got everything done what we wanted, but that day was complicated as hell.
On Sunday we went to one of my favorite restaurants here, called Golden Thai Cuisine. I think we went to the same place in Autumn, when my hostdad first came home.
And this week I spend catching up with school(Since I missed a lot the week after Mardi Gras), working out and on Thursday it was finally our Keller meet. It was mainly sunbathing tho since there weren't even a single cloud in the sky and sun was shining so bright. I got a new PR in discus, which got me on 6th place. Didn't do so good in shot put..But after all Keller won the meet and as far as I know, we are doing awesome this season.
Oh, And I almost forgot, today was THE LAST PEP RALLY! :( :( This pep rally was for Varsity Baseball, Varsity Softball, Varsity Soccer, Powerlifting and Varsity Track, which means that I got to sit in the front there, where 5 months ago sat all the football players..Not anything superspecial, but was really cool! :)
PS2: I absolutely love all my theatre people! They are so fun, amazing and cool. That class makes every B Day just so good!
PS3: One Sophmore, Ren,  from out school literally got famous over night. So it was her Sweet 16 on Wednesday, and in the evening she tweeded what her grandpa gave her, next morning this post had 35k likes. And only a hour later it had 120k likes, this number kept going bigger with every 2 minutes. Currently she has like 588k likes. Her mom is our Social Media teacher(she was freaking out and was so exicted) and I met Ren whenever I was changing my schedule last semester, so we changed snapchats and stuff. HERE are the news about that, go check it out!
Last weekend I also took a nice 40 minute walk, thought I'd take some pictures of neighborhoods, main streets and houses and stuff. Just to give you an idea what's it like here! :) (Probably y'all pretty much know it already but hey, never too many pictures, right?)

< Life is good! >

Let the tour begin..

Keller Elementary School


Spanish School House, this is sooo pretty house n' it has a really cute playground on the other side ^^


Home <3 


12 donuts obviously make a girl happy

Snikers, Lemon&Cream cheese, Lime, Salted Caramel, Straberry

I have never been a fan of Asian restaurants's dessers, but that was delicious! - Fried Ice Cream

This is exactly how confused we are most of the time lol!! 


Morning walks to school. Pretttty!

7.45 am

Keller ISD Stadium - Keller Meet

Ryanneeee, she gorgeous 

Ryanne, Liz, Me - #Throwerpower <3

What else do you do at midnight?

A really big part of the 'Happy life' packet

Our time to sit in the front :) 

Hey Friendies

DC is a star!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Letterman Jacket&Leticia's BDay

What has happened during last 2 weeks?

Peale Mardi Gras-i olin haige, seega veetsin m6ned p2evad kodus. Viimased kaks Track Meet-i on nagu ikka olnud megatuusad ja veendun iga kord, et meie thrower-ite punt on yks kohutavalt vahva seltskond. Viimasel meet-il jalutas 2kitselt minu juurde Coach Stralow ja kysis, kas mulle meeldib too jakk mis mul hetkel seljas on v6i tahaksin uut. Ma olin v2ga segaduses ja ei vastanud midagi. Reedel kui j6uksis k6ik tehtud, palus Coach Benefield enne mu 2ra minekut mind treenerite kabinetti. Sina j6udes v6ttis ta kapist t2iesti uue ja pakendis Letterman Jacket-i v2lja. Coach ytles, et peale seda kui minu powerlifting-u season l2bi sai r22kis ta Coach Cope-ga, et tahaks mulle Letterman-i tellida, Coach Cope oli sellega n6us olnud, niiet yhes6naga minu maailma k6ige paremad ja vingemad treenerid tellisid mulle jaki, mis on viimased 10 kuud mu megaGoal olnud!!! Seisin seal kabinetis Coach Benefield-i ees ja ainsad vastused, mis minu suust k6lasid olid: 'Are you serious?' 'I cant believe it' 'You have no idea how much it means to me' Mul p2riselt tuli seal peaaegu pisar silma. Ma ei oska kirjeldada, mis asi Letterman Jacket on(Enamus kindlasti teavad tegelikult, aga ei tasu naerda mu kirjelduse yle haha, ma yritan eksole), aga p6hiliselt filmides on see seljas nendel poppidel high school jalkakuttidel haha. Siiamaani teadsin, et mul on v6ibolla v6imalus see v2lja teenida, kui p22sen Varsity Track-i(DONE!!!) ja saavutan koha Distric Meet-il. Kes selle jaki v2lja teenib saab eraldi vormi selle tellimiseks, mis on v2ga kallis. Kui tuli v2lja et ma mitte ainult et earninud seda vaid treenerid ise tellisid mulle selle, siis ma ei suurnud seda uskuda. Autosse istudes oli Adriana ka hullult excited ja 6nnelik mu yle ning koju s6ites tuli hostemal isegi pisar silma hehe. :') Be proud of me!!
Hetkel on meil kevadvaheaeg, mille olen veetnud p6hiliselt trennides ja kodus filme vaadates, sest absoluutselt k6ik mu s6brad on linnast v2ljas ja isegi Adriana on kuskil laagris terve n2dal.. Kuna aga j6usaal + throwerid on ka k6ik minu s6brad siis I consider that chillin' with my friends! :) :)

10.03.17 toimus Leticia synnip2ev. J6udsime k6ik tema juurde 6htul kella seitsme ajal ja sain j2lle v2ga paljude uute inimestega tuttavaks. Esimesed tund aega veetsime autodega drop off m2ngu m2ngides, meaning, yks autojuht j2tab kaks autos olijat kuskil suvalises kohas linnas maha ja teine auto peab nad yles leidma, kes enne koju j6uab on v6itja. Hiljem k2isime veel Hell Gate's, mis on Ylipikk tunnel maantee all, see oli hirmus haha, ausalt. Hiljem S6ime pizzat, torti ja r22kisime ja chillisime niisama. Viimased paar tundi veetsime taga aias s'mores-e tehes. MEGACHILL ja l6puks sain Nichole-ga koju.

PS: Ma hakkasin vaatama uut sarja - Baby Daddy - ma lihtsalt ARMUSIN sellesse! Vaatasin 5 seasonit vist n2dalaga 2ra ja esmasp2eval algas juba uus hooaeg, niiet palun k6ik minge vaadake seda, see on super!

P2ris minu oma Letterman! Altough patchid peame veel tellima :) 

Vahepeal saan uhkeid kirju ka ylikoolidelt hihi

DC peaks juba ammu mu blogis kuulus olema ja mina ei vastuta tema selfiede eest ^^


Kui mingi spordiv6istkond Sate-le l2heb siis saadetakse nad niiviisi megauhkelt kooliustest v2lja.

Leticia synna



Head isu! Texas size donut

Saage tuttavaks mu teise koduga! Jett on j6uksi modell hehe.

Ja jk nende megade s66gipiltidega, tegelikult on enamus mu eined sellised haha, ausalt! 

Vahepeal kirjutab mu blogi Sassy, niiet k6ik kirjavead lykkan tema kaela 

Mega hea!

Ja ilmselgelt Liami lemmik!


Sassy ytleb tere!

Meet Hailey...Or meet an usual exchange student lol