Thursday, August 16, 2018

Texas was my home, is my home, it will be my home.

I was randomly sorting out my social media today as I found a post I had written about 9 months ago.  I dont remember why I didnt post it at the time but seems like a reasonable thing to do right now, since I dont have much to add to this blog anyway.
I have still been homesick for america from time to time.
Here is the post:

"Today in class, the teacher wrote down a simple phrase "FBI investigation" on the board.
These two words were enough to make me homesick for the whole day. These words reminded me my Forensic class, how much I miss this class. How much I miss EVERYTHING about my exchange year.
You see, homesickness is a weird thing. Maybe the weirdest I have ever had to deal with. It hits you when you least expect it and it does not go away.

Wanna know what I miss the most about America?
It is not how the school system works there or how big and pretty Texas is.
I miss how every Sunday morning we ran to the donut store looking like pandas with Adriana.
I miss how every morning Mrs.Huff threw me a protein bar telling me I need them more than she does.
I miss how I used to argue with coach Benefield every single time when he told me he did not spot me and I lifted the bar all by myself, yet I never believed him.
I miss how Sassy ran to me when my hostmom was yelling at her.
I miss how during warm up in theatre we caught up with each others lives and laughed more than I had during the whole day.
I will never forget how me and Hailey always found a way to sleep on the chairs in Social Media Marketing when the teacher was not there...or when the teacher was there but we were just to sleepy. 
I miss jamming in the car with Liz and almost hitting other cars because you know "probably not the best idea but it worked."
I wanna be on the track at 3pm again running until we all are about to throw up while coach Jewel is still making us laugh and I wanna hear all Coach Copes pep talks before meets.
I wanna be in the bus with Liz and Coach Meek and hear them arguing because Liz NEVER agrees with him.
I miss how Luke always said something brilliant in the mornings and always had his own opinion on everything.
I miss how DC and Szymon were teasing me during lunch.
And as hard as it is to admit that, I miss how DC used to remove the paper around my protein shake, making me all angry with this.
I miss going to the weight room every day during the break because no matter what mood I was in, I always left form the stadium smiling."

This is the magic about an exchange year. I really feel like I lived there, I created a life that I would have never created if I had just moved there by myself.
What makes it hard is that no matter what, I will never get that feeling back. No matter how many times I will visit them or how much I would talk to them. I will never have the same routine and the same Junior year in KHS.

I understand now what it means to have two lives. The girl I am today, does not know the girl who was in America 14 months ago, but she remembers how this girl felt.

Just feel like I owe an enormous "Thank You" to everybody who made my year in the USA to be the dream life I always wished for.
